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If there were two of them, then they should be called duoliths now. Duh.

"If I can't immediately touch the inferno raging three rooms away and burn my hand, then my home must be safe. Do I smell smoke? Someone must be smoking outside so I'll just yell out the window at a perceived inconvenience that is completely separate from reality."

The thing I hate about Y2K is that it was taken care of so well beforehand that it is seen by many as having never been a threat – a punchline – with an effect of more people having less of mindset to prepare early to prevent other large scale catastrophes. Like, say, climate change or a pandemic.

The Kickstarter for the upcoming online version of the Illuminati card game has gone live today. Some friends of mine have been working hard on this, and I'm looking forward to playing it. Special bonus card available for those who pledge today!

Alligators blow my mind. Just scary ass Star Wars monsters that randomly sneak out of nowhere and drag Floridians to their death.

Alright folks, it's time for a Thanksgiving giveaway. During the year I buy digital copies of ebooks to give away for free to US Kindle readers. This is my way of supporting authors, if you see a book in this list you want click the link and it's yours. First come first serve.

Fun new I-didn’t-attend-class-all-semester-and-now-it’s-finals-week dream mutation: In the airport parking lot realizing I forgot to wear a mask for the whole flight and now have to spend the next week wondering if and when it will hit.

Joshua Love

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