On Election Day Eve, I am grateful to live in a state that assumes MAIL-IN-VOTING as a starting place (I think you can vote in person but I never have)... it creates access and opportunity for all voices to be heard!

@mohu Here in Kitsap county, the maximum degree of voting in person is showing up to the polling place and sitting down and filling out/assembling the exact same ballot you did at home.

@mohu I worked the 2020 election and that disappointed a fair few people.

@rpardee I do get that disappointment... I started voting in CA and after my son was born, we used to walk to the polling place with my kid for every election to help 'bake' the idea that voting was an obligation... There was something really cool about taking him to a booth with me :)


@mohu Yes--I totally get that. I've lived in NY & AZ, and voted in-person both places. There is something to be said for the ceremony of it.

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