@WhiteRose not sure if it is she/he - so I'll say this - s/he is so gorgeous. One thing I hated the most about fluffy cats - these MATTED thing - I have to take then like 2-3 times a year to have her trimmed. I tried so hard to keep 'em tidy ... I failed always.
@ridor9th Have you tried olive oil? take a bit and rub it at the base of the mat and after a few days the mat should fall off on its own.
@WhiteRose it worked?
@ridor9th yep
@WhiteRose I'll try that.
@WhiteRose What about her ass? so much hair on it - it needs to be trimmed - I'm single. When I hold her and try to cut some matted hair - she would bite. So what to do?
@WhiteRose Olive oil do cause the mated hair to fall off?
@ridor9th Yes, however it is best to keep up on it. for example do not let the mass to get huge and then try to use olive oil. make sure you are checking for mats and while they are smaller try to catch them. It is much easier to get rid of that way.
@ridor9th cutting can pull the skin at times that is why I use the olive oil and let it fall off personally bc their skin is sensitive and I do not wish to aggravate it.