I liked the reveal in the 89 Legion series that the Legion was created by the Time Trapper to stop Mordru from running the galaxy for 1,000 years.
Also great is Rokk Krin, Cosmic Boy himself, and Mordru's chess match of a discussion, which leads to Rokk agreeing to leave Mordru alone in exchange for his former teammates.
@nblumengarten That was my favorite storyline - I pity anyone who does not read that shit.
@nblumengarten I don't like the post-ZH.
I was originally hesitant, but it won me over quickly. The launch of Legionnaires was what got me interested in the Legion, so I guess I was primed to accept a more youthful, "contemporary" Legion.
That being said, I did go and find most of the 5YL run and I love it, dearly.