@quinnsentialOne Emotions are easily manipulated by those with something to gain. Turning us against each other is the best way those with massive amounts of money can keep us from focusing on coming together to make things better for the vast majority of us who are just trying to get by and have a good life rather than rule the world and be a billionaire
@EelGM It's true.
Information doesn't flow in rural places the same way it does in cities. And what does is drowned out so heavily. In the modern world you think information is equally available. It's not.
Democrat America is so disconnected from most of Republican America no wonder we are all being so easily manipulated to hate each other.
It just feels hopeless.
@quinnsentialOne one issue that’s really important to both sides could bring a few people together if that happens cracks in the hate driving people apart can occur as real connections are made between people
@EelGM This has been half my posts in CoSo since I got here.
@quinnsentialOne completely understandable it’s a maddening position to be in, my girlfriend’s eldest son’s wife’s family are all MAGA they live in a town of 2,600 we go over often
@EelGM I'm ex-MAGA. Recently ex-Republican too now.
My family still is MAGA.
It is a maddening position.
@quinnsentialOne it’s got to be hard seeing all the posts roasting MAGA & the GOP in juvenile ways. Those are “rally the base” posts even if the posters don’t realize it, they serve the same function as conservative talk like tucker Carlson
@EelGM People stood by while ultra rightwing conservatives took control of nationwide radio stations.
People stood by while they took control of TV.
Rural areas were being drenched in rightwing talking points while Democrats were nowhere to be seen.
Nobody really cared about the people in rural areas.
Republicans exist in a bubble of media telling them Democrats hate them and don't care about them. And then where are the Democrats? Nowhere to be seen until an election rolls around.
@quinnsentialOne ok this is a decent one I’ll find of her better ones tomorrow if u like it’s 6 years old so you know she was on top of this