Accused of rape and child abuse, I’m sure the fish will protect him because β€œvalues”

Not a slight on Christians but Bible bashers like Jeffrey and their hypocrisy fuck me off no end.

Now this guy is niche, as in you’ll probably be wondering what the fuck he’s on about if you aren’t from Ireland.

I think he’s hilarious though.

Reggie from the BlackRock road

There’s to be a public consultation for a new bilingual Belfast City Council logo

That’ll go well πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Would you look at the state of this cosplay Hitler. New far Right group in Ireland. It’s like a deleted scene from Father Ted or some shit.

American immigrant in Ireland telling immigrant to get out of Ireland.

You can’t make this shit up

This wee fella is a wannabe local politician for a new libertarian party.

He looks awful lonely, must be hard being a young orangeman, not many people your own age.

Anyway main reason I’m sharing it gave me a chuckle - when I first read LOL online I couldn’t wrap my head around why everyone was referring to the Loyalist Orange Lodges πŸ˜‚

keep going back and forth on collating a personal photo project around the notion of the Northern Ireland sea border and the transient and temporary nature of all borders really.

Images from walks around the coast.

Aesthetically the images are all quite different and not "oooh pretty landscape"

Dunno. Might happen, might not lol

Something like these.

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