Gullible Russian teachers were tricked into wearing tinfoil hats by a political prankster in order to demonstrate how deeply they had been brainwashed by Kremlin propaganda.
@ToruOkada @Tbdev @process saw someone flying a rump flag in Denmark the other day (presumably during an attack on Israelis during football match—not sure of rumper’s political leanings other than being an arsehole). This fascist thing is getting worldwide, thx to certain people. The rest of us need to stay better coordinated/engaged with what’s going on in the world/each other.
@chaddus2_0 @Tbdev @process That was a prank making Trump supporters wave Russian flags. Unsurprisingly, they did not notice what they did wave.
@ToruOkada @Tbdev @process yeah, ‘go figure’.
@process interesting hope they are safe