This is two Christians talking about why MAGA is wrong. The guy on the right is the one who explains it, but he doesn't have the smoothest delivery, but wait for it. He gets there. The explanation he gives is how to explain to evangelicals that supporting Trump is wrong. Even if you never want to listen to these types of guys, listen to this, because this is the one argument that might get through to them.
@AnnetteTRemain Yup
Had this convo with a Trump supporter I encountered:
Them: I am helping with the (Church denomination) donations again this year.
Me: Oh, are you (Church denomination)?
Them: No, I don't go to any church. I'm just Christian.
@LnzyHou Understood.
@poemblaze This is a good video. I don't know what to say about Christian nationalism. I don't believe many who pretend to be Christians following Maga are even Christian at all. I think they hide their hate behind our religion. I would like Maga to explain to me why it's primarily white Christians except as a white Christian I already know why they are doing it.