What baffles me about the whole Embryos are children thing is, when is someone going to claim them for EITC on their taxes?

"Do you have any children?"
"Why yes I do! In an IVF freezer in Alabama hospital system!"
"Um those do not qualify as children..."
"Sure they do! Alabama Supreme Court says they are! I need that tax credit to pay to keep them frozen, so pay me!" πŸ™„

@Caryani Yep. If they're going to treat an embryo as a person, then anybody who is currently in possession of one needs to go to fucking town on that concept and use every legal loophole they can to annoy the shit out of the law people.


@Nimthiriel @Caryani I'd like to know whether it's legal to put your children in a freezer.

@peterquirk @Caryani I guess it depends on the effect it has on them. If it's the only way to ensure their survival, then it probably is.

@Nimthiriel @Caryani but I can't cryogenically freeze a child with a terminal disease with the intention of waking them when a cure is found.

@peterquirk Nor can you clone a child, or have another in order to harvest their organs to save the life of another. Makes 0 sense but doubt they have any

@peterquirk @Caryani No, because in that instance the treatment wouldn't keep it alive. But if you freeze it at the embryo stage, it does. So if an embryo is a child, then by definition, you are allowed to keep a child frozen in order to attempt preserve its life.

The point is that classifying an embryo or foetus as a child makes no sense.

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