@Museek our Meadow is within range of korean nukes. its not a rest easy time imo
@Veronique 😭😠
oregon has a double food stamp program w local shops and farmers markets
#food #assistence
@tgraph52 eating w that tash must be a challenge
@MeTheUnfiltered can happen none too soon imo
he is foulness incarnate
an embarassment to the species
gives pot a bad name
@singlemaltgirl yes, the male gender brings the whole species down imo
Many of you have so generously asked if you could help me, due to what's been going on.♥️
Truth is, I'm horrible at asking for help, but if people would like to help, I really appreciate it, and will pay it back and forward.♥️
However you wish.
Honestly, this has been one of the most humiliating experiences of my life.😔
If any of you would like to help, this is my PayPal ID.♥️
@Jene_Sais_Quoi sorry, friend
wish we could help
living on fumes as it is
hoping you will get the help you need
Dictating my memoirs
to my editor/illustrator, aZa