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Weekend entertainment: tell us about a time you used social engineering to gain access to a building, server room, or area where you won’t supposed to be. I’ll go first…
(LinkedIn post)


1) Count the number of times you fell down.

2) Count the number of times you got back up.

3) Add the numbers together. If the answer is an even number, you're doing fine.

You have passed through and out of two vaginas. First, your maternal grandmother's, then your mother's. You first came into existence four or five months before your mother's official birthdate.

Psychology is as important as diagnosis and prescription and surgery and therapy.

Grey's Anatomy. Chicago Med. The Good Doctor. ER. And all the other medical shows we've ever watched.

Something just occurred to me, something from real life. The truest, most real-life thing about the medical profession is this: psychology.

It affects everything the doctors and staff need to do.

People don't believe they're sick.
They think they're sick with something else.
They don't want the cure.
They think they know what the cure is.
Relationships complicate care decisions.

@MakerWerks The initial certification takes serious study. I tried to study on my own, and realized the error of my ways and paid for the course from remotepilot101. Excellent course! I passed the exam at a testing center at the local airport on the first try after taking the course. I studied in the evenings for a couple of weeks, then scheduled the exam. Pay for a course. Much easier that way.

@Museek Thank you! You can't make a living flying drones, but there are ways to make money with it doing other jobs. I use it for cell tower inspections as part of communications site inspections for city governments.

In other news... today I passed my FAA Part 107 UAS Recurrent training and exam, which means I can fly drones for money now for another 24 months.

About your Clean Desk Policy/Clean Office Policy: don’t forget the whiteboards. Here’s the wording I use in my clients’ cybersecurity policies. You can have it free of charge to include in yours.

“Whiteboards containing Restricted or Sensitive Information should be erased or cleaned to the point where residual markings are unreadable from any angle in any light.”

How to travel faster than light:

1) Build a transporter that will achieve lightspeed at 90 percent of capacity.
2) Accelerate to lightspeed.
3) Push the throttle a tad further.

There. Now was that so hard?

Bob’s First Law of Passkeys
(sub-titled, “How to crack Putin’s Microsoft account”)
“A chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link,” and a passkey is only as strong as its weakest backup authentication method.

[LinkedIn post]

Seinfeld isn't a "show about nothing."
It's a show about a group of friends who make really bad logical and ethical decisions, over and over again, with no signs of maturing or learning from their mistakes. We laugh at them because we think we're smarter. The writers laugh at us because they know we're not.

Listen, it's never a sophisticated attack. It's always social engineering or an unpatched vuln.

@Beanc I'm a sole proprietor, and I hear you. My boss is very demanding. On GlassDoor I'd give him one star. Would not recommend.

Today this old song popped into my head, and I thought, "I bet I can find that on YouTube!"
Hot Rod Lincoln

Q) What do you give the person who has everything?
A) A list of people to help.

King County Superior Court (in the State of Washington) sent a Jury Duty Notice to someone who used to live in our apartment. I mailed the Jury Summons back to King County Superior Court with this letter.

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Professor Pax

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.