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Well, no wonder I couldn't get my office warm this morning. I turned the heater on, but forgot to close the window. Finally I heard a bird chirping and realized what was going on. D'oh!

"House Resolution 8081, also known as the Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated Toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable Former Protectees Act, was introduced in the 118th Congress. It aims to terminate Secret Service protection for former officials who have been convicted of felonies. The bill was referred to the House Judiciary Committee in April 2024."
(Description from Google Gemini)

Republicans don't think Trump's trial was rigged. They know he mishandled the money to pay Stormy Daniels.
They Just Don't Care.

@clong "She was designed by a Hong Kong-based company Hanson Robotics and was created to look like Audrey Hepburn..."

@clong ??? Sophia is from Hong Kong, so your reference is lost on me.

Think about the state of humanoid robotics today. Now, think about C3PO.
The Star Wars franchise is laughably inaccurate when it comes to anticipating future technology.

You can always spot the people who like to argue about semantics because... well, they argue about semantics.
I'm not referring to anything I've seen on CoSo today, but on another platform. It's nicer here.

Fun Fact: CounterSocial has never really "broken even". Our Pro member subscribers cover some of the costs, and our gracious host covers the rest.

If you like what we have here, . We've been called the PBS of social media because you aren't a profit motive to be exploited. You're a supporter, and you enjoy premium benefits for helping this community to thrive.

Can't go Pro? No worries. Your contribution is appreciated in whatever form it takes.

"I'm going to keep my Twitter account because at some point Elon Musk will tell a face-saving lie to explain why he's selling it without admitting his abject failure, and it'll once again become a cool platform."

I used to say, “As long as the URL is twitter dot com, I’m calling it Twitter.”
Now the URL is x dot com.
Okay, new policy: “Even if the domain is x dot com, I’m calling it Twitter.”

Most whiteboards I see today are semi-permanent repositories of information from a meeting sometime last year that everyone is afraid to erase.

Some guy sent me a connection request on LinkedIn. He has a Russian flag in his profile.
Not just no, but hell no!

To add some context to this comment, I was on another social media platform that I enjoy because of a lot of technology posts. But, this morning, it struck me as being full of more negativity than usual. Admittedly, I saw myself reflected in the digital mirror. I didn't like what I saw, and resolved (again!) to be less negative myself. So my post was intended as ironic humor, and as a reminder of myself to - be kind.

Ranting on the Internet is not a productive, nor effective, way to use your time

ValiDrive from GRC is awesome. If you want a quick way to verify the size of a USB drive, AND to verify the read/write performance, ValiDrive is the way to go. I'm not getting any payment for this. I just found out about the product last week and finally got to test it today. Sharing what I learned.

I make these for myself sometimes. This bead is from Anne Choi and says "beware for I am fearless, and therefore powerful".

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Professor Pax

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.