FWIW, I'm doing month-end maintenance for my clients tonight, and there's been unusually high activity from China blocked and logged by their firewalls. These include non-government, low profile businesses. If anything is getting through, well, the logs don't show it because they don't know...

TRUE CONFESSIONS: Today, after I assembled my new chair, I threw away the instructions that said, "Keep these instructions."
Because I'm that kind of rebel.

You know all those vendors in booths at the fairgrounds? Do you know why they're selling person-to-person in booths at the fairgrounds?
Because their products aren't commercially viable.
That doesn't mean the product is bad. It's hand-made, or very niche, or something else. For whatever reason, it's not commercially viable.

"We've learned that our helium system is not performing as designed."
It may not be working as INTENDED, but it's working exactly as it was designed.

Twelve servers, seven hours. Let's see if I can get it all done.

@peterquirk Agreed. Keep in mind what that the "Essential Eight" isn't the entire scope of the ASD's cybersecurity guidance. Here's a page from the Table of Contents of their
Information Security Manual. They do address that very important aspect of a comprehensive cybersecurity program.

I just downloaded and reviewed the Essential 8 from the Australian Signals Directorate. I'm in the USA, so I can't use it in any regulated organization, but this is a high quality plan. Well done, Australia.


I found some old USB drives in a file cabinet in my office. I took a little time to plug them in and see if there was anything useful on them. This big boy has a huge amount of storage. It will hold the equivalent of MORE THAN 300 FLOPPY DISKS.

@northernbassist Thank you for the link to the Smithsonian article. I knew they had received an intelligible reply a while ago, but didn't know that the engineers had successfully gotten all the instruments reporting.

Last night I had a dream that a low battery warning popped up on my laptop, and I couldn’t find my charge cord. It was so disturbing that I woke up. True story.

Over the weekend I was called on to be part of the incident response team in the middle of a real-time ransomware attack. Their current backup was online, and of course it was encrypted, too. The company’s most recent backup that wasn’t encrypted was about three weeks old, and it was pure chance that the three-week old copy even existed.
[LinkedIn article]


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Professor Pax

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.