Weekend entertainment: tell us about a time you used social engineering to gain access to a building, server room, or area where you won’t supposed to be. I’ll go first…
(LinkedIn post)
Bob’s First Law of Passkeys
(sub-titled, “How to crack Putin’s Microsoft account”)
“A chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link,” and a passkey is only as strong as its weakest backup authentication method.
[LinkedIn post]
So-called "VPN services" aren't like legitimate business VPNs at all. Are they worth your money?
[LinkedIn article]
#callmeifyouneedme #fifonetworks
#cybersecurity #vpn #marketing #ethics #privacy
Carrying client data around with you on a USB drive? Then you need a flash drive with password protection and encryption. I received my new Kanguru encrypted USB drive last week. I’m not getting paid for this, I’m just sharing a tool that I like. I've been using Kanguru drives since 2012.
[LinkedIn post]
Challenge accepted! The UPS Virtual Assistant popped up unbidden when I was tracking a package. It said, “Let me know how I can help.”
That got me to thinking – to what extent can the UPS Virtual Assistant be helpful? Is it configured to only answer questions relevant to customer assistance on the UPS website, or is it allowed to range freely over the length and breadth of the Internet?
[LinkedIn article]
Cyber liability insurance requirements are all over the map.
[LinkedIn post]
Remote tech support for small biz/residential. Licensed and insured. Ten percent of all revenue from CoSo clients will be donated to CounterSocial.