If war comes to your country and you plan to be part of the resistance, you may wish you had a copy of The Anarchist Cookbook.
@redenigma After seeing your reply I reviewed the explosives section, and I can see the validity in your warning. Using the section on homemade detonators as an example, the book contains simple line drawings with very little explanation. I have the formal electronics training and years of experience so I didn't think about it much, but you're right. A novice could blow themselves to smithereens trying to follow those instructions.
@paxterrarum my dad was an electrical engineer & i grew up putting stuff together (including parts to missile guidance systems when i was 9. nothing like a small family business). that section scared me when i was 15... it was so bad.
@redenigma ^^^^^^^^^^ BTW, I don't mean "years of experience" building explosives, lol! I meant years of experience with electronics fabrication and maintenance.
@naikarrah that's a browser function block notice. some add on you're running doesn't like it, maybe because it downloads a .pdf
yea, mbam def doesn't like it, but it's nothing to do with down loadíng pdfs. i download them all the time from libraries, court systems, online appliance manuals, etc. most likely some person or group decided to mass report the site 😡
@naikarrah i've had so many copies of that get borrowed & never returned over the past 50 years... it's pretty dated now & as i said, some of the info in there is downright dangerous to whoever tries to follow the instructions.
this is the World Wide Web...
if it has ever been pllaced on the web-it exists on the web--ad infinitum.😉
Interesting. I use Microsoft's Defender on Windows 11, and it didn't give me any warnings. The link I provided directly downloads the PDF file, without exploring the website or clicking on links.
@paxterrarum yeah, i have a couple early warning systems on my browser & had no issues.. appreciate the pdf, since my hardcopy seems to have gone walkabout once again...
@paxterrarum wonder if this flags me for the FBI again... i miss those guys ;)
@redenigma In my cybersecurity classes for the IT people at public utilities I explain how astonishingly difficult it is to remain truly anonymous on the web. To your point, there are websites I just won't visit for risk of compromising my TSA clearance.
@paxterrarum @redenigma
seems likely that may have something to do with triggering it.
No worries though, got a free PDF of the circa 2000 edition free from archive.org
@paxterrarum be VERY careful with the Anarchist's cookbook. some of their instructions are not exactly correct & will hurt you more than your target.