@JolieSaboteuse I always try to be hopeful but it doesn't seem like the supreme court wants to uphold the Constitution.

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Nothing says you’re innocent quite like demanding immunity for your crimes.

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Jeff Tiedrich @itsJeffTiedrich

listen up, stupids: if you screamed BECAUSE THEY BROKE THE LAW as justification when Donald Trump's border goons ripped babies out of the arms of migrant mothers, you don't get to whine about Trump facing consequences for his own criming, because guess what: HE BROKE THE LAW

A former president who broke his oath to uphold the Constitution is now running for president again on the platform of law and order. Somehow the country is debating whether we should uphold the Constitution by enforcing the 14th Amendment. Do we no longer enforce the Constitution? Do we no longer expect the president to enforce the Constitution?

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@nursefrombirth If trump became president again he would be happy to arrange returning Alaska back to Russia.

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This photo seems hard to find even when you do an internet search, and it's only 10 days old.
It's almost as if someone doesn't want you seeing it and sharing it

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This U.S wannabe president, Vivek Ramaswamy, is selling out Ukraine.
If he is selling out Ukraine, he wil sell out the U.S. too.

“I would make a deal that would end the war in Ukraine. Freeze current control lines.

Yes, this means giving part of Donbas to Russia. I would make a firm commitment that NATO will never accept Ukraine.”

This bastard may be a millionaire, but he don’t own Donbas.


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@Lulz4l1f3 It's sad there are still people who listen to trump's lies & will believe him. Thanks for the reality check. It's sad when an ex-president is out there spreading disinformation about foreign policy.

@ecksmc The point is that although I have serious disagreements with Republicans such as Liz Cheney & Mitt Romney I can respect their opposition to trump when he is trying to destroy American democracy. I cannot condone other republicans who will not publicly condemn his support of white nationalists & his actions on Jan 6. So bitch about the divisiveness when trump & his magats are gone.

@ecksmc I don't agree; when one party condones overthrowing a free & fair election there's something wrong with our current two party system. I respect the brave Republicans who oppose anti-democratic forces in their own party. Check out the Lincoln Project.

@GlennS Lauren Boebert is self-righteous white trash.

@TheNewsOwl If impeachment-happy mtg wants to know who should be the most deserving person for impeachment, she needs to look in the mirror.

@corlin Meat analogues are okay but once you get used to a plant-based diet you may prefer grains & legumes to replace meat in your diet.

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What would happen if plant-based alternatives replaced half of meat and milk consumption?

Short answer: a lot. A new study found that meat substitution would cut global GHG emission by 31%, water use by 10%, and spare a quarter of the land needed to reach 2030 biodiversity targets.

By Emma Bryce




@MaggotBrain I think the reason poverty is such an issue in the US is because this country is run by rich politicians who worship money. They say they are christian but they are lying. And this is not a Christian nation; this is a nation that worships money.

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@The_USA_Singers No Joe Biden is not a criminal. The inquiry to impeach Biden is .0

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