
This is... difficult. I used to engage on social media quite a bit but I think I gradually became quieter and quieter as various traumas and ADHD took hold. This while, in theory, being an extrovert. These new spaces make me want to say things but it's often hard to summon up things to say. I'm working on it.

@otherdoc I can totally relate. The trauma of the last years has made me activated and then totally withdrawn. It just all gets too much sometimes. I'm glad I found CoSo, it's nice to not be surrounded by the insanity and find post about what really matters in life.

@otherdoc It's okay to be quiet!

I don't post a huge number of things. Partly because I'm an introvert, partly because of years of abuse on Twitter. I still love CoSo and feel I have a place here.

What I currently enjoy most is responding to other people's posts. The more I do, the more I feel comfortable sharing my own thoughts and feelings. And everyone loves it when you engage with their post!

Do whatever you want! Watch quietly. Respond. Post. Take care of yourself and enjoy!

Hey man, you do you. No one in this community is going to judge either way. Nothing at all wrong with being a quiet observer if that's where your comfort is.

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