How low he goes. #cartoon #editorial #thenewyorker #brendanloper
(Daily Cartoon - 08/01/2024 - The New Yorker)
Even Atlas couldn't handle this weight. #cartoon #editorial #thenewyorker #zoesi
(Daily Cartoon - 06/05/2024 - The New Yorker)
Some things are gonna change around here. #cartoon #humor #weeklyhumorist #jimshoenbill
(04/26/2024 - Weekly Humorist)
If that doesn't work, you may have to do a hard reset. #cartoon #humor #weeklyhumorist #sarahmorrissette
(04/19/2024 - Weekly Humorist)
Guess I've put off doing my taxes long enough.
#cartoon #editorial #thenewyorker #kendraallenby
(Daily Cartoon 03/07/2024 - The New Yorker)
Sunday morning news in a nutshell.
#cartoon #editorial #thenewyorker #shannonwheeler
(Daily Cartoon 09/08/2023 - The New Yorker)
If you are tempted to try out META's new social media toy, all I can say is DON'T. A lot of my friends downloaded THREADS, and now they are stuck. If you don't like it, you can't delete it without taking out your other accounts. #Threads #Instagram #META
I've gone through a lot of popcorn these past few months, just watching the show...
#2023 #keepthepopcorncoming
Work from home ended for my job last October, and every morning since it's been pretty much this. The roads are wrecked, and there is construction everywhere. Management has given up the hope of anyone arriving to the office on time. They just had to have bodies in the building, LOL.
I've been updating the passwords on my online accounts, and of course, one thing leads to another. I've stumbled across sites I haven't visited in years, and deleted accounts that are no longer useful to me. I guess Winter is the season for updating and deleting. #passwords #computers #internet
Don't forget to take care of yourself during this holiday season! 🎄 #Christmas #Hanukkah #Kwanzaa #Festivus #HappyHolidays #mentalhealth
Still plan on deleting #Twitter at the end of the year. I'm following people on their alternate sites (if they have one). If not, I'm saving a list of names and will keep checking for updates.
trying new things