Social Media Max Chr
The new Twitter Max of 280 characters has been increased to over 4,000 But cannot be saved over 280 characters only the first 280 will be visible on the timeline
Counter Social has 500 chr max
Post. has close to 32,000 chr max
@normsmusic I think Post is more of a journalism-with-followers medium than a social medium. I haven't checked my account there in more than a month.
@normsmusic creative brevity is too clever for the vast majority imo
another sign of a bloated self important culture imo
@normsmusic supporting musk is unsupportable imo, not only because what he has done to your friends, but also what he is doing to our world.
@pennyphilosophy I've been on Twitter for 14 years and most of my friends are still there. Many have left and gone onto Mastadoned and other sites scattered around the world that I will never hear from again. Elon is a narcissistic racist. but my friends there are not. I have decided to use three sites as my base. until there is a better solution. How is your story comming along? I am excited to read it,
@normsmusic should have made email connections like we did. was on for 16 yrs and harassed for the last 18 months. real friends stand by. we have not lost touch with them.
@normsmusic not for those of us held hostage, a class action suit is in order. if you hear of 1, let us know
#boycottmusk in all his guises
he is an antichrist imo
@normsmusic and I should care?
I use all three every day. Each has its own character that I love.