
weirdest hailstorm i've ever seen! we just had another hail storm lasting only 6 minutes, but just before it came the entire sky turned the heaviest shade of absolute YELLOW! it was so yellow that it made the actual air seem yellow everywhere you looked!!
hail stones were the size of fat chickpeas mostly with a few that i measured at 1.25 inches

ยท 4ยท 1ยท 3

@naikarrah thatโ€™s usually the kind of thunderstorm that comes with 1 or more tornadoes.

<insert several strings of Pirate expletives here>
i was standing under the front entry porch and on the back patio, stupid me!

@naikarrah If there were no tornado warnings, you were probably ok. But when see green/yellow skies, I get indoors.

@naikarrah Yellow sky and hail means tornadoes coming in my experience!

that's a terrifying thought for me, but i'm glad to have people to teach me about it!
"Forewarned is forearmed."

@naikarrah Green or yellow skies around thunderstorms always take cover! You might not get a warning before tornado hits.

Any one heard from naikarrah lately!??? Anyone?
Lol. Lucky you๐Ÿ’›

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