
I'm down with that very last sentiment. Not for the reasons he expresses though!

you know, i hadn't really thought much about it, but on the face of it? that might not be such a bad idea, except for the ridiculous pricing structures and utility companies *always* allowed to raise prices beyond what regulations set because fines are cheaper than the profit made.


I'm paying $90/month for slow-ass limited data cellular modem access. Everything else looks better to me!

oh wow! that's *insane!*
i didn't even realise until you said that--cell/cable-VOIP phones are NOT regulated as a utility the way that landlines were!


I live nowhere-adjacent.
Can't even get cable TV, but I'm midway between Ithaca (cornell fer chissakes) and cortland.

ouch! absolutely -zero- options for you then...
it's not supposed to be that way! Australia's been upgrading all their internet across the country so that *everyone* can get access. ofc, it's behind schedule, but where it's already implemented is working WELL so far!


The God thing reminds me of this bit from Sondheim's Ballad of Guiteau:

Said, "I killed Garfield
I'll make no denial
I was just acting
For Someone up there
The Lord's my employer
And now He's my lawyer
So do what you dare"
Charlie said, "Hell
If I am guilty
Then God is as well"
But God was acquitted
And Charlie committed
Until he should hang
Still, he sang...

Full song:

yes, that's what i keep coming round to in my head
THAT mindset/mentality. i have experience within the fundamentalist churches--10 yrs worth. I'll never join organised religion again.

armed uprisings are actively being planned for DC 17-20 Jan, as well as across the country.
kinda obvious that many of these people are not completely 'cognizant' or truth/fiction, law/crime, right/wrong, win/lose?


They certainly not cognizant of how completely outgunned and outmanned they're going to find themselves, but that's not going to last.

They LIKE to lose fights, they TALK about them first.

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