
‘During This Interview, 10-12 People Will Die From Covid’
Dr. Osterholm Speaks To The Scary Reality

@naikarrah - Terrifying... meanwhile the mango moron and his merry band of idiots haven't provided delivery details to have the vaccines sent.

did you know:
several states are complaining that they are not on the distro list yet to receive any doses?
Florida's forked-tongue Gov DeSantis lied & told the People that doeses were 'on hold' and there weren't enough yet. Pfizer clapped back loud & clear that they have millions warehoused, and completed deliveries to EVERY STATE IT WAS TOLD TO.

it's freaking CRIMINAL!

@naikarrah I saw that. Though I am not surprised, I am disgusted. Jan 20th can’t come soon enough!!!


If Trump & every complicit member of his puppet show cabinet & advisors had to PAY a CASH fine of $100,000 US for each death, payable at the end of each day--perhaps they would not play vindictive, spiteful, childish games with our livess?

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