
does anyone have a rich, moist pumpkin bread recipe?
dying to make loaves of pumpkin bread with toasted sunflower seeds, and banana bread with toasted chopped almonds...
i don't have a satifactory recipe for the pumkin bread yet though =(

@naikarrah another thing... are you using canned pumpkin or β€œreal” pumpkin? If using β€œreal” pumpkin, may I suggest using Hubbard Squash, it works much better.

oooh!!! the nut bread basic+vars
gives me heaps of ideas!
i have dates, dried cranberries, cheddar, and all sorts of stuff stashed away atm!

@naikarrahive been researching. Going to try one googled with starbuck pumkin bread. Get pumpkin puree not pie mix is what ive learned to date.
Starbucks Pumpkin Bread Copycat recipe and video

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