I solved Redactle #596 in 15 guesses with an accuracy of 100.0% and a time of 00:02:48. Play at redactle.net/

I solved Redactle #584 in 35 guesses with an accuracy of 94.3% and a time of 00:03:52. Play at redactle.net/

Finally, one in 2.

Wordle 861 2/6


"No detectable amount of tritium has been found in fish samples taken from waters near the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, where the discharge of treated radioactive water into the sea began a month ago, the government said Monday."


mudshark58 boosted

Does anyone, left or right, really think a second Donald Trump term would be anything other than a revenge tour?

Come the next election, you can either vote for someone who will move the country forward or a self-involved megalomanic hell bent on getting even with the world.

Those are the choices

I solved Redactle Unlimited #482 in 36 guesses with an accuracy of 100% and a time of 00:06:52. Play at redactle-unlimited.com/

Well, that was fun.
Wordle 746 4/6


📷 🌎 #46 2/6


They got me.

I solved Redactle Unlimited #360 in 40 guesses with an accuracy of 80% and a time of 00:09:12. Play at redactle-unlimited.com/

I solved Redactle Unlimited #358 in 104 guesses with an accuracy of 88.46% and a time of 00:14:51. Play at redactle-unlimited.com/

📷 #24, 5/6


I solved Redactle Unlimited #341 in 99 guesses with an accuracy of 86.87% and a time of 00:22:49. Play at redactle-unlimited.com/

I solved Redactle Unlimited #339 in 77 guesses with an accuracy of 79.22% and a time of 00:17:40. Play at redactle-unlimited.com/

I solved Redactle Unlimited #337 in 136 guesses with an accuracy of 81.62% and a time of 00:26:32. Play at redactle-unlimited.com/

Daily Quordle 408
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One of the old puzzles, but the new ones haven't been accessible for half this week.

I solved today's Redactle (#28) in 2 guesses with an accuracy of 100.00%. Played at redactlegame.com/game/redactle

📷 #3, 2/6


#154, 4/6 📷
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦: ⭐⭐⭐
⭐ Streak: 13


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