

Been feeling the blues lately, so I grabbed the guitar this morning and did something about it.

Give it a listen! Maybe it'll help you, too! 🎸

^^^ If you need some new blues in your life. I got ya. 🎸

^^^ Goodnight friends 🌒

It really is the music that makes all the difference. 🎸

@mikeflstfi thank you. that was soothing after a morning of dealing with gov't bureaucracy and ethically challenged former employers

Glad you enjoyed it! Sorry you're dealing with stuff like that.

@mikeflstfi I really enjoyed that. Thanks for sharing your talent again!

@mikeflstfi to play along with. nice tune, man..

@mikeflstfi That's really nice! Great playing, great feel, great tone and that sustain! 🙀

Thanks, my friend. Something about that Les Paul. It just sings.

100%. Haven’t changed anything on it but strings. I know people like to give “newer” Gibsons shit (mine is a 2016) but i have zero complaints about the sound i get out of it.

Once again, Mike, you've captured the essence of why I love your music. It is a woven tapestry of soulful emotions that resonated deep within me. It enveloped me as I leaned into it, swayed with the rhythm and listened as you strummed the heartstrings. Thank you and I can't wait until it's available to purchase. 💜

You're too kind (like always) but I really do appreciate it. It's making people feel good that motivates me to keep doing this.

I'm in the beginning stages of planning the next album. This one will be on it, for sure.

I’ll be looking forward to that album! BTW, I’m wearing your t-shirt today and had an inquiry at the local coffee shop. Pointed them to channel 💜

Thanks for that! I love the support and that shirt turned out really nice!

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