Whilst Sturgeon’s resignation has been disastrous for the SNP—revealing the cronyistic underbelly of the party—support for remains, pretty much, unchanged.

The SNP under Sturgeon failed to push the independence agenda, preferring instead on focussing on staying in power.

A new vehicle is needed; a new Indy party. The SNP have had their chance. Riding the wave of Sturgeon’s popularity & neglecting the reason why they were voted in will cost them, and us, dearly.

@mickcarty Not everyone who voted SNP actually wanted another referendum

to assume they all did is mad

SNP have failed with so many promises not just indyref hence why there ratings are sliding down(according to some polls) - they weren't just voted in for independence

Salmond’s original strategy, implemented by his govt was to prove, through good governance & radical, progressive policies, that Scotland could undoubtedly manage as an independent country.

Good governance attracted more voters, not all, as you say, independence supporters.

Under Sturgeon, however, good governance was allowed to slip & furthering Indy became a distraction to keeping power.

The Indy movement has not diminished, despite the SNP ignoring it, but will be much tougher now

@mickcarty it depends on who you talk with though personally i know folk who wanted it now they couldn't care less

majority of folk are focused on surviving through the hard times financially we all are under and really don't care about another referendum < or at least that's the case with people i talk with IRL

totally agree though SNP surly fuck't up with there own agenda focusing on staying in power

another referendum won't happen it's a pipe-dream now < tha's the reality

While there may be a slight blip in support, I don’t think, as Unionists are desperately trying to paint it, that Indy is dead in the water. Support for the SNP has, and will continue to fall. Many will never forgive them abusing the voters trust for selfish gain. Especially given the favourable position brexit and Johnson provided.
That doesn’t mean the Yes movement has gone away. /

/ The political vehicle so many had pinned their hopes on has crashed and it will take some time to regroup and find another.
Indy is off the table for the immediate future but the matter is not yet settled.

@mickcarty of course it will never be dead in the water < that goes without saying

there is no doubt that if westmonster did allow another vote support would be there and no doubt voters would start to really think on it again < the fact that any government in westmonster will allow another vote is the issue really with folk putting it at the back of their minds for now < that's why i say it's a pipe-dream until a government in power in westmonster allow it to happen it ain't gonna happen


I think the bigger issue is the drop in SNP support will allow unionist parties to regain ground through both FPTP & the De Hondt making an Indy majority at Holyrood less likely. It won’t matter what happens at WM

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