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Mhsheikh boosted


“Our partners know very well why we need them: to be able to reduce the enemy’s offensive potential by destroying their ammunition depots, command and control centers, and logistics chains on the temporarily occupied Ukrainian territory.”

Yuriy Sak, an adviser to Ukraine’s defense minister

HakNote- Democratic countries will defend ourselves from attack by hostile entities.

Mhsheikh boosted


Has anybody told you that they are grateful for you, today?


Well, I am.

I am grateful for you and glad you are here.


Mhsheikh boosted

@phase oh dear 🖤 I will miss you.

Mhsheikh boosted

About the prettiest bass i’ve seen. Claudia and Claudio Pagelli’s ‘Golden.’

@northernbassist - base player on this is Marion McPartland's nephew.

Mhsheikh boosted

Just a little something from the 1970's...

(not mine but I do remember them)

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I missed but here's a picture of Meara paralyzed in fear at the 120lbs of Pyrenees standing over her. (not really, she *adores* all the dogs!)

The shitshow on Twitter is getting Evan weirder

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when will everybody start talking and yelling at the hostesses if there’s no bass solo?

Mhsheikh boosted

The human cost to Russia of its invasion of Ukraine grows each month—but how bad is it? Seth Jones of the Center for Strategic and International Studies offers a detailed assessment of Russian casualties, finding that it is the most deadly conflict for the Russian military—by far—since World War II.

By Seth G. Jones

Russian and MAGA trolls are integrating their anti Ukraine attacks. The far left tankies weren't very useful.

@Alfred what does an itchy pentagon shaped rash mean?

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