Cheeseburger mac and cheese is one of my favorite recipes to make, and tonight it occurred to me to serve it with pickle spears. Absolutely genius. You're welcome.

Was sitting here thinking about how great tomorrow is going to be because I’m working from home, and then I remembered I have physical therapy very first thing, followed by my annual mammogram, and now my day is preemptively ruined.

This is still potentially my favorite painting I’ve ever done.

My husband is taking me to a WINE TASTING WITH SLOTHS I’m so excited I could scream

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I wish coso had a way to change your username and not just your display name.

Probably about 1/3 done with my next sweater at this point. At this pace I should have about 2.5 weeks of work left, and then I get to wear it—a bittersweet achievement, because then I have to find something new to knit.

But also, thinking anybody should WANT to have a soul-sucking day job just to buy food is enabling the capitalist oppression of the common man. So.

My answer to people who believe that nobody wants to work anymore is that you get what you pay for.

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Baby Yoda and older Yoda 🤣

Found a tick on one and they both got treated to a bath 😁

Slow Horses is still a great TV show, but the problem with adapting books like the Slough House series for TV is that you lose all the bits of comedic narration that are half the reason it's so good.

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@LiberalLibrarian The other side of this, of course, is supporters of Israel's genocidal tactics claiming that anyone who opposes them is "antisemitic". Assholes who thrive on oppressing others always have a playbook.

I have ONE local friend. And I just found out she’s moving literally a thousand miles away and then I won’t have any. And she sucks at texting so we probably won’t be friends anymore once she leaves. I can’t feel happy for her right now.

Well... Myrkul didn't end my honor mode run but it did take like 57 rounds and every single one of every companion's spell slots.

I meant to go to bed two hours ago. Still not moving, though.

Aaaaah stubbed my toe that had surgery ow

The other likely possibility is that she doesn’t want our boss to think she’s dumb because she has questions.

I have a coworker who continually asks me to explain tasks that our boss has assigned to her. I wondered for a while why she asks me instead of our boss. At this point my guess is that she is actually just complaining with her questions, because she doesn’t like what our boss has asked her to do.

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