I have done what no man willingly wants to do. I have requested an appointment to discuss getting a colonoscopy done.


I've been told by my hematologist that I need a colonoscopy to rule out my colon as a source of my chronic anemia. So, at my last appointment, she told me to contact a gastroenterologist and arrange to get one done. I've just used their web interface to request such an appointment.

I am not looking forward to this. Sigh. 😭

Maybe ask if an at-home test would suffice to start. You have to take them every 3 years rather than every 10, but apparently the accuracy is pretty good.



@ceorl I'd rather do that, to be certain, but unfortunately I've had polyps in my past, so I really need the colonoscopy done. Thanks anyway.

Ah yes, that would indicate the full procedure.

Well I totally empathize. Good for you for getting it underway, and I hope they find it totally uninteresting.

Would a thumbs up be in bad taste?
Nah, you've got to laugh at the hard stuff.

👍 😁

@ceorl I feel like James Bond in his later years, going up against his archenemy, the evil Dr. Coldfinger. 😜 😜 😜

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