
I'm nervous as hell about upcoming surgery, yet I'm still posting these booster posts about CoSo. I'm also still supporting CoSo - you can, too! Pro *and* Patreon (if you can afford both, please!) - Keep CounterSocial Funded!

You, sir are CoSo’s biggest cheerleader! Thank you and especially since this is a difficult time for you 💜

@CherNohio Biggest cheerleader? I don't know about that ... then again, I'd better shut up and not argue when someone says something nice about me. 😆 Thank you tons!

@leejackson ❤️😘❤️ You’re very dedicated with something you believe in and it shows. Now hush and accept the compliment 😂🤗😉

@leejackson I'm sure your surgery will go fine. Don't worry. Be happy.

Take heart.
You're appreciated here and I am sure the surgery will be a total success.

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