"I do not want to have potatoes tonight. Or soup. Or rice."

- Eldest after 10 days in Japan

Not the request I was expecting and it does limit my repertoire. Also, it means chicken and creamy leeks is out for dinner. Maybe pizza?


@LianaBrooks chicken & cheese wraps?

cooked chicken, diced, on flour tortilla, with cheese (whatever cheese you have that will melt, I like swiss, cheddar, colby jack, havarti, etc), roll it up and then grill the sealed tube on a dry hot grilled until toasty both sides, serve with salsa & sour cream.

Basically chicken quesadillas, but rolled up. easy peasy

@kismatt We did tacos last night and are doing chicken and creamy leeks on Sunday.

We may do pizza or hit the town. Although it sounds like Korean bbq and Indian are both off the menu. Maybe we can do the South African place? That's salad, corn salad, and lamb.

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