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My family and I recently visited the Atlanta zoo, here’s a panda sleeping

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kingofc boosted

WH, Senate & House leadership met & agreed on border bill plus funding for Ukraine, Israel & Taiwan. Speaker Johnson talked to Trump & MAGA in House who don’t want to vote on it. If Johnson brings to vote, they will recall him.

Today is not the day. Most days I think about not being here anymore, then power through, hoping for things to improve. Then, I get a call or text of something, where the only person I have (my age / partner) says something that cancels all the motivation and starts me all over. How to continue?

My new superpower, not immediately commenting or reacting when someone says a thing i disagree with. Granted, I don't have this power all of the time, but sometimes.

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New allegations in Ukraine highlight how willing Trump and his allies were to accept Russia’s assistance — and how effective the “Russia hoax” framing has been. No paywall:

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The Republican fascist mob rules. It is too bad that Ronnie James Dio is dead.

The press is working with the government the same way they did for the Bush administration in Iraq regarding WMDs. Social media is now censoring anything about the Hospital that doesn’t follow the “official “ story.

Urine color guide from a construction site porta potty. Sometimes they give us something useful

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Share this. As books are banned this QR code enables young people to borrow books from the Brooklyn Public Library.

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then alito did not recuse and voted in favor of the billionaire

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Since it was formed in 1994, Alliance Defending Freedom has been at the center of a nationwide effort to limit the rights of women and LGBTQ+ people, all in the name of Christianity. The Southern Poverty Law Center has termed it an “anti-LGBTQ hate group” that has extended its tentacles into nearly every area of the culture wars.

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Remember that time 22 years ago when Saudi Arabia bankrolled the largest terror attack on American soil?

Anyways, happy golfing! ⛳️

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