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I was asked to leave my house yesterday, and I am lost. I miss my son already, and it’s my fault

kingofc boosted

Fun Fact: CounterSocial has been banned from Facebook for at least three years. If you mention our name, your post will disappear.

But they can't do anything about you sharing this.

kingofc boosted

Feel like I’m spiraling this week. Hope it doesn’t go to long or get too deep. Need to pull the nose up

kingofc boosted

If you like good House music, we have a CoSoNaut DJ who cranks out great stuff. Thank you @Jerdie! Give a listen and subscribe on YouTube:

Some large batteries on their way to a very expensive disposal!

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kingofc boosted

Give all American taxpayers and their families the exact same health coverage that Congress gets. Period.

I’m so alone this weekend. Since I’ve been married, I have no group of friends to “hang out” with, my development is completely stunted at an unusually advanced age

Another great I love is “The Jason Ellis Show”

Any fans of podcasts that haven’t already, check out “Behind the Bastards” really entertaining and enlightening

kingofc boosted

LEGEND: "Adolfo Kaminsky Dies at 97; His Forgeries Saved Thousands of Jews"

His talent for creating realistic documents helped children, their parents and others escape deportation to concentration camps & in many cases to flee Nazi-occupied territory.

I really want to use this platform more, just need more people to interact with, find groups, and make it Point to stop going to the other site (s)

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.