Orange County, CA is a bastion of selfishness.
The way people drive.
Their overt T-shirts.
Their attitude in parking lots.
While the weather is nice, this culture really sucks.

Boating and driving through Orange County today.
Many, many Trump flags and hats.
Surprisingly, many are teenagers.

I live in a bubble in San Francisco.

America is very different.

I will have to assume the worst will begin to unfold for this country.

Happy 4th of July!

And Firefly Space fired off a rocket that could be seen from the Fairgrounds!

Enjoy sunset at the Costa Mesa Fairgrounds, just before the fireworks kick off!

A woman was killed by a robber yesterday at Fashion Island shopping mall in Newport Beach, CA.
My wife had wanted to go there yesterday about the same time.

I protested. I wanted to walk on the beach. We did.

We had a better day.

Family can be really weird.
Even if it's the in-laws.
Throw in some dementia and cancer and .... Whoa boy...

The latest thinking on why we are probably alone in our galaxy.

"Dinosaurs never needed to come up with a radio telescope or an FM radio," Lee said.

The wife is home from biz travels! Yay!

She was appalled that I ate all of the snacks I said I purchased the day she left.
I didn't tell her I purchased even more and ate them, too.

I also didn't tell her I skipped dinner last night and stayed up until 2am drinking martinis.

I've become a really shitty bachelor.

She can't leave anymore.
I won't make it.

5 hours of Docker configuration on a Friday night.
New environment is now in place.

A Martini is in my hand.🍸

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