I don’t get it. Only now are schools considering banning cellphones from class? And that’s controversial? Teachers don’t allow reading comic books, playing tic tac toe, listening to music, etc. in class. Why would the constant distraction of cellphones be allowed? For communication during a school-shooter incident will likely be the reason in a parent lawsuit, and that has merit, but there’s gotta be a way to address this issue besides allowing free access to the internet during English class!

@johnldeboer They tried banning them here years ago but parents went ballistic. Most kids are very respectful about it and many teachers use them to help in class. They tried providing google netbooks or pads or whatever. But there are never enough, some are broken, and they time out and don't work after 2 years or something. Privacy is also an issue.


@Klaatu_Veratta_Nectarine But strange as it may seem, there are students who don’t have cellphones, iPads, or laptops. So if the teacher depends on such devices for instruction, some students will be left out. If the school decides technology is required in the classroom, they should supply the devices to all - without Apps!

@johnldeboer Yup. And thats why they have the Google pads or chromebooks or whatever. The school here went to all Google docs. Their writings are shared and the students read other students papers to critique and do shared assignments. We moved from a place with no internet and I told the teachers when we moved my kids don't have a computer. She asked if we are Amish. :facepalm: I get it. Even the textbooks here are on Google docs. They don't have enough physical to share.

@johnldeboer Our library is within walking distance to the school and it's filled every day after school with kids from low income apartments. When Covid happened kids were outside taco bell sitting on the side walk to get WiFi to go to class. Not joking. It's not great. And this is a pretty wealthy district.

@johnldeboer Then they would have to have people that could repair them and maintain them. Afaik this district has only ever had one IT employee. The kids repair almost everything and understand it better than the teachers. Not disagreeing just saying it has become this way because money.

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