
Neo-Nazi groups spew hate outside Disney World and near Orlando, officials say
The group wore clothing and bore flags emblazoned with Nazi insignia outside the entrance to the Disney Springs shopping center, the sheriff’s office said.

@jjmacnab In an ironic twist, probably the German Nazis that these broken toys so admire would look upon them as untermensch.



Welcome to Florida ☠️🐊☠️🐊☠️🐊☠️

@jjmacnab This is exactly what conservatives want -- scare people so much they don't want to go to Disney any longer. DeSantis knows he can't win in the courts, so he'll try anything else he thinks he can get away with.

@Oma_Trisha @jjmacnab No one has informed DeSantis and those folks that the "Christian" theme park(Holy Land Experience) closed down years ago.

@Iveyjanette1 @jjmacnab

From what I heard, it wasn't quite all it was cracked up to be.

Monetizing the gospel never works out well.

@jjmacnab Awful. Where are the grandmas? Need someone holding up stuff and mocking those fools. Grandmas to protect the kids.

@jjmacnab While their ideology is dangerous, the best way to deal with ignorant fools like this is to simply laugh at them. They know how to handle violence and they actively look for reasons to claim victimhood.

Mockery…now THAT scares them.

@jjmacnab How soon they conveniently forgot that when they were kids,their PARENTS took them to Disney World. And they enjoyed every minute of it!

Perhaps Disney should have played all the WWII Donald Duck cartoons on continuous loop to troll them. "Der Fuhrer's Face" immediately comes to mind.

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