Hatred, against a targeted group whose main offense is "being different", is a very powerful, ugly, & dangerous thing, as it can be directed anywhere. It can be
🤬 Racism, against blacks, Haitians, asians, hispanics, jews, arabs, & the list goes on.
@jjGravitas Absolutely. You said it.
@jjGravitas Hear, here!
🤬 Misogyny accusations of witchcraft (like the Salem witch trials (not a myth, they actually happened)) were almost exclusively directed at women, perhaps because women in the past were seen as powerless, so if a woman suddenly appears to have power it must be witchcraft, magic, right?
🤬 miscellaneous xenophobia directed against literally any group (they're eating your pets!)
The list goes on, but you get the point.
And our greatest hate monger today is Donald Trump.