TFG is claiming that an entire crowd at Vice President Kamala Harris's Detroit rally was fabricated through AI.
This just shows how incredible AI has gotten, because we have hundreds of photos and videos from the same event, taken from multiple angles, and all of the lettering on the signs is legible and everybody has the right number of fingers, and all of the pictures are consistent with each other.
The technological achievements of the Harris-Walz campaign are staggering!
@DavidSalo We should just start telling everyone there's never been a Donald Trump presidency, that he's been faked by AI this whole time.
@BenA @AskTheDevil @DavidSalo
That's cute, but thr Larrge Hadron Collider doesn't mess with universes, dimensions or timelines. All it does is allow scientists to measure the behavior of particles. The "orange ogre" is of our own world, & it is our reaponsibility to handle both him & the Grande Old Party that pulls his strings.
You lose your power if you blame it on fantasy stuff.
@jjGravitas @BenA @DavidSalo But I _am_ "fantasy stuff"!