Somebody asked me last week if I had been sick. And it was the best compliment. Why?
Because I've lost + or - 50 pounds this year. At 209 I physically feel better, and I look better.
But if I'm being honest - I'm happier when I'm overweight. I was lean and mean in my teens and 20's - but I was a moody SOB.
As the weight comes off - I can feel that old feeling creeping back in.
Yesterday at my son’s school they has a welcome back event. Parents could win point for their kid’s school houses by participating in games.
Tug-of-war - it was good natured fun. My team lost rounds 1 and 2. Then on round 3, the switch flipped for me and another Dad (former marine). We won - but the adrenaline and testosterone dump left me with a bit of a toxic masculinity hangover. 😬
Lawyer, Musician, Renaissance Man