
Do you want to know a secret?

The best reason to use is because of politics and news.

You can effectively filter out a lot of that here. Instead of seeing nothing but politics and bad news - you can read someone's recipe, listen to a song that a person wrote and recorded.

Instead of inundating yourself with content that depresses, you can enjoy a drawing or a poem, or share a joke with a friendly stranger.

This is a bespoke community where the golden rule is really the only rule.

@jeffdavenport that sounds like a refreshing change, and it’s ironic that I finally started having regular interactions with folks on Twitter and now I’m back on a new platform screaming into the void again. I’ll just share my watercolor art and love of dogs here LOL

@Harley_Queen you'll like it here.

People are friendly and you don't have to worry that people will be unpleasant.

Sometimes you will post stuff and not get a ton of responses - but that's true wherever you go.

There are some really interesting people here who are overwhelmingly welcoming and supportive.

@jeffdavenport that’s so great! I’m looking forward to navigating around and meeting new folks

Is there a “quick & easy”, or do I need to find a user’s guide?

@The_Breeze Here’s the Q&E

Settings, filter, add filter. I suggest you check out the user guide too!

@jeffdavenport I've honestly seen way more politics here than on Twitter. How do you filter them?

@HonestPassion13 first create a filter for terms or phrases you’d prefer to avoid.

Let’s use “

Go to settings, then filters


@HonestPassion13 then just put in the terms you want to filter. Set the parameters for when the filter will be applied. 2/2

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