A five-year-old boy was the one who found the SF Zoo's missing lemur: https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/national-international/theres-a-lemur-5-year-old-helps-crack-sf-zoo-theft-case/2382062/
Rather alarming images from Mt. Wilson just now. I am reading that it may be a back fire - hopefully true: http://hpwren.ucsd.edu/cameras/wilson.html
The sky looks like the atmosphere of Mars right now. I can only imagine how terrible things are for folks close to the fires! Stay safe, #cosonauts
For anyone interested, British Heritage is livestreaming sunset for the solstice at Stonehenge. (They will do sunrise in the morning as well). Link to sunset stream here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EZ5cLVOako
Oakland Public Library made a Flickr collection of street art connected to the protests. The sheer number of them is astonishing! https://www.flickr.com/photos/oaklandlibrary/albums/72157714674806701
How Jazz Helped Fuel the 1960s Civil Rights Movement
The second wave is going to be worse than the first, and it'll have been almost entirely preventable.
The third when it hits in the late fall/early winter will be worse still.
I say this so that you will remain vigilant. We tend to get complacent about things that go on for long periods of time.
At this point, all I can do is laugh...2020 is demented
If you are in California and need food, here is a GIS Food map, updated regularly, of over 1800 pantries.
UC Berkeley students sad about missing commencement built a beautiful replica of the campus on Minecraft, and it's so good that the Chancellor and other speakers have endorsed it and are going to join the ceremony at 2pm Pacific. Plus a massive 2-day music festival with a huge lineup starting today at 4pm Pacific! Both on MInecraft and also streaming on Twitch
Nice to see this - Marshawn Lynch does a lot for the local community here: https://www.sfgate.com/sports/article/Marshawn-Lynch-spent-a-day-surprising-Oaklanders-15221532.php
Couch potato. Enjoy history, science-ey stuff, and Bay Area fog! I follow people who seem to have interesting things to say/share