There certainly have been a gazillion little earthquakes in Dublin, CA over the past few days.... I know that doesn't mean anything necessarily, but clusters make me nervous #earthquake #SFBayArea
@Gramdma2011 You were very perceptive to notice such a small one! (The dogs noticed too, though - animals are much more aware of the environment than we are, I think!) But big or small, they are freaky experiences
@Gramdma2011 Not so brave, really, hahaha! Big earthquakes don't happen often, so we can convince ourselves to ignore the risk. Hurricanes and tornadoes, on the other hand, would make me quite nervous since they happen every year!
@jaybee165 I once wanted to visit California, but have always been afraid of the old wives tale of a big earthquake shaking Cali into the ocean; I think some of the bravest people in America live in California!💯