@Shelter It is! And it elevated him to my favorite Hollywood Chris.
He's long been mine.
The others aren't even close.
@Shelter He took a decisive lead in the Abrams reboots of Star Trek. H&HW absolutely sealed the deal. He is so good in that.
(He's a better Kirk than Shatner)
Bless his heart.
@stueytheround @Shelter And I still watch the original series. They were WAY progressive. And a lot of his performances were fun to watch, but I can't sniff a turd and call it a rose.
@stueytheround @Shelter I love that the original Michael Myers mask in Halloween is a cheap Shatner mask. And THAT MASK delivers a more emotive and honest performance than the Shat ever has.
Nimoy got a decent performance out of him in The One With The Whales, but most of the time everyone else in the cast runs circles around him.
@Shelter I will die in that fight
That's Chris Pine, right? I need to see it.