I'm not in a good space. I hope everyone else is doing better. I'm just tired of it all.


i too get those dark times.

what helps me is a little :420: and sitting quietly while consciously just letting everything go. whatever comes to mind just let it pass. repeat.

i think of it as practice for dying, which is inevitable although unpredictable, so practice is never wasted.

plus it opens a wider perspective.

half an hour of that usually allows the mood to pass.


I've been sucking on my vape pen for the last hour and a half. It's helping the pain a little bit, but not this bullshit running through my head. I'm not going to give up. I still have plenty of weed left. 🤭


just let it pass, get lost in the vapour✌🏽😎


I'm trying, but the portable unit they put in my room to help keep it cool wakes me up every time it kicks on, so I haven't been sleeping worth shit. Sometime this evening I'm going to have to run up to Walmart and get a window unit so I can sleep. I can't afford any of the ones online, and I don't need anything fancy -- just enough to supplement the AC we already have in the house because when it gets hot out, it doesn't keep my room cool enough.


oh, yes, interrupted sleep is not good for mood.

i use one of those personal air conditioners, basically just fine mist fanned at you, to supplement my AC, which is not adequate either.

i just move it around the house with me. works surprisingly well, and better if i add ice cubes to the water.


That sounds nice, but the last thing I need is to add more moisture to this air. We're already above the recommended maximum amount of humidity for comfort. Being just over an hour from the ocean will do that to you.


right heat and moisture 🥵🥵🥵

are you close enough to enjoy the ocean's full presence occasionally?


It's about 90-ish minutes to the nearest public beach. We try to go over there several times a year, waiting until later in the day during the week so it's not too busy.


I'm a water baby (aquarius). Big bodies of water bring me peace. It's always been like that.


i think many of us have that feeling near the ocean. i lived on the B.C. coast for years, and i miss the ocean.

@holon42 I'm on the opposite side now, and it feels weird. When we lived in florida, we were on the gulf side, so I could go to Clearwater and watch the sunset. It's not the same from here.



interesting differences from one coast to another.

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