Good morning groovy souls!

As I was sitting in meditation this morning, the thought drifted by that meditation is not magic, it is a method. It is much like running.

At the start, running can be quite hard, but over time, with disciplined effort, endurance, form, and focus improves. From which, one finds joy.

Meditation is, in a way, a full focus and awareness on what one can control. By directing our effort towards these things, we can begin to effect what is outside our control.

I cannot control the damage being done outside of my control, but by being aware and present, I can stand ready as a healer, and a listener. I am not in control of the anger or the division outside of me, but by focusing within and healing what is within, I am ready to be present for those around me.

The most gentle of waves still travel across the ocean, and are the reflections of currents that move between continents. What starts within, will manifest without.

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