from Hindu literature:
"Who knows how it was, and who shall declare
Whence it was born and whence it came?
The gods are later than this creation;
Who knows, then, whence it has sprung?
Whence this created world came,
And whether he made it or not,
He alone who sees all in the highest heaven
Knows—or does not know."
@holon42 i am curious about this can you tell me more, what Hindu literature specifically
25Rig-Veda, X1 129. (Cf. MacNicol trans.,Hindu Scriptures, p. 37.)
Therefore, love God in the following way:
Love him ashe is: a not- God, a not-spirit, a not-person, a not-image; as a sheer, pure,
clear One,
which she is, sundered from all secondness; and in this One let us sink eternally, from nothing to nothing. So help us God. Amen.
Being is controversial.
God in the Godhead is a spiritual substance, so unfathomable that we can say nothing about it except that it is naught.
To this end there is no way, it is beyond all ways.
Meister Eckhart