"the intellectual "grasp" of a psychological fact produces no more than a concept of it,
and that a concept is no more than a name, a flatus vocis.
These intellectual counters can be bandied about easily enough.
They pass lightly from hand to hand, for they have no weight or substance.
They sound full but are hollow; and though purporting to designate a heavy task and
obligation, they commit us to nothing."
Carl Jung, Aion.
the relevance of what is it like to BE a bat?
"It is through the
affect that the subject becomes involved and so comes to feel the whole weight of reality. The difference amounts roughly to that between a severe illness which one reads about in a text book and the real illness which one has.
In psychology one possesses nothing unless one has experienced it in reality.
purely intellectual insight is not enough, because one knows
only the words and not the substance of the thing from inside."