
this is an interesting method of propagating rosemary, using aloe vera as a root stimulant.

i've frequently propagated aloe vera and it needs no roots to grow in a new pot, so it makes sense to me.

@holon42 I propagate plants like crazy and have had luck with rosemary in plain tap water (and patience) but aloe seems like a good option!

@holon42 t is but I really dislike videos like that for the same reason I'm not a fan of Rachel Maddow - constantly repeating the same phrase or variation thereof when once would have been enough. Same with slowly repeating the same step over and over like the audience is too stupid to get it the first time. Case in point with this one was just how long it took to make those two holes in the bottle. This whole video could have been done in less than 2 minutes and been just as informative.


yeah, i agree. i just scroll through to get the information. rarely watch entire videos. people trying for more 🤑

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