whoa: Trump's transition team co-chair, #LindaMcMahon, her husband, #WWE & #TKOHoldings, are currently being sued for sex trafficking underage boys as young as 12yo
#SexualPredator #sexTrafficking #UnderageBoys #politics #crime https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/vince-mcmahon-wwe-accused-allowing-rampant-sexual-exploitation-young-b-rcna176988
Pretty sure not for long.
I expect a lot of legal problems to go away for folks who can "tip well".
Remember, it's a tip if you pay the politician AFTER they do the favor. And no taxes on tips, right?
@grrlscientist I’m not surprised, it’s like they all know each other isn’t it. Rump rapes underage girls, someone has to help him feed that hunger.
@grrlscientist He and TFG have much to talk about while eating burgers. They'll be great buddies.