@Sleep_Is_For_Chumps The crazy thing is they are trying to funnel FOX viewers over to CNN. I recently went to stay with my dad in Bosie Idaho. I usually have to lock them out of FOX news but this time around Dish network only had CNN...No FOX, no MSNBC. It made total sense after the Trump Town Hall was announced that they are colluding to try and funnel that audience to CNN by restricting access to everything else.
I am on the Elysium supplements, anti-aging regimen. I also exercise as well and do cold therapy.
I like to nerd out about health stuff
@Autumn Sorry North 36th and Troll
@Autumn it’s in Fremont which is north Seattle. In my opinion, it’s the coolest neighborhood of all great food and nightclubs and of course the troll. The address is Northeast 36th and troll.
@Autumn If you are still here... go see the Fremont Troll
@Songbird1 It is absolutely a dumpster fire, a right-wing dystopian bullshit machine.
@BenA Yeah I take every day seriously and am trying to maximize this human experience.. I just wasn't prepared for my support network and friends to start falling away
I’ve noticed one of the unforeseen consequences of committing to a healthy lifestyle as you age is seeing your friends, get old and sick and die around you. Everybody makes a different choices, and who knows what’s gonna go wrong and take you, but you have to be prepared to be the last ones standing both mentally and physically if you choose that path.
@Siren_six Made that mistake… they don’t stay in tune and are impossible to play…
@KodoAndSangha YEP!